One by One Deutschland


Zella Brown and Helga Müller, founding members of One by One, Inc. - Helga the daughter of a Gestapo chief, and Zella the daughter of two concentration camp Survivors, will participate in Wednesday evening's panel.

Karen Baldner, MFA - visual artist and child of parents who survived the Shoah. She is working on a collaborative dialogue project with Bjorn Krondorfer. Both were born in Germany and are now living in the United States. Karen lives in the midwest. Their dialogue on Jewish-German issues and specifically their different family biographies, uses the language of the visual arts as a means of communicating.

David Blair, M.A., Karuna Center Board President - The Karuna Center for Peacebuilding: A U.S. based NGO founded by Dr. Paula Green that offers international training programs in conflict transformation, intercommunal dialogue and reconciliation. David Blair, teacher and trainer, chairs the board of the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding and has worked with Karuna in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Senegal. He knows One by One from a Karuna workshop in Bosnia. Karuna will participate on Monday evening's panel and lead a workshop on Tuesday. -

Patricia Clark Pat Clark is currently a program associate with the Center for Policy, Planning and Performance in St. Paul, MN. She is the former Executive Director for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, (FOR) an interfaith and international movement advocating for peace, justice and nonviolence. Prior to coming to work with FOR she worked with the American Friends Service Committee for eight years as their National Criminal justice representative. From 1985-1990 Pat worked with the Southern Poverty Law Center, eventually becoming the director of the Klanwatch Project where she and her staff monitored the activities of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations. She has served as a major spokesperson for Klanwatch and the Southern Poverty Law Center. In 2004, Pat was appointed to the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission which issued its report in June of this year.

Andrea Cohen, M.A., M.S.W., Compassionate Listening Project - a non-profit organization, dedicated to teaching skills to heal polarization, cultivate healthy relationships, and build bridges between people, communities and nations in conflict. Their work has grown out of 15 years of conflict resolution and reconciliation work on the ground in Israel and Palestine. Andrea is a communication consultant who has been involved with the Compassionate Listening Project since 1997. An award-winning video scriptwriter and producer, she directed the film Children of Abraham, which followed the journey of 22 Jewish Americans on the first all-Jewish Compassionate Listening missions to the Middle East. Since then, she has facilitated Compassionate Listening workshops here and abroad and is co-director of the Jewish-German Reconciliation Project. She has also been instrumental in integrating the concepts of Compassionate Listening into community dialogue event. Andrea will participate on Monday evening's panel and will conduct a workshop on Wednesday. -

Dan Booth Cohen, MBA, MA in Psychology, Sophia Kramer, Ph.D. - Family Constellation facilitators will lead a Constellation on Wednesday at the conference. Best known as a Systemic Constellation, this gentle, nearly-silent process reveals a hidden solution to chronic emotional, physical or relationship conflicts and is based on the systemic, phenomonological work of Bert Hellinger. -

Ray Cyr, Rational Games, Inc. - a consulting and training firm specializing in the 'communicatively rational' technique of conflict management, mediation and negotiation. Ray Cyr will participate in Monday evening's panel. -

Marga Dieter - descendant of a German Navy officer and Zella Brown, descendant of Holocaust Survivors will lead a storytelling workshop. Through their compelling and transformational presentations, Zella and Marga, One by One, Inc. members, show us the way to conflict resolution in their and our own lives and will lead a storytelling workshop on Thursday.

Martina Emme, Ph.D. and Rosalie Gerut, M.A., founding members of One by One, Inc. will open the conference on Monday with a presentation of One by One's dialogue model that has been shaped over 10 years. The focus will be on how the dialogue groups help to promote transformation.

Robert Hilliard, Ph.D. - Professor, Media scholar and author from Emerson College who will lead a workshop on Wednesday entitled “Media and Genocide, from the Holocaust to Now.”

Mirsad Miki Jacevic, Ph.D. candidate - human rights activist and peace program specialist from Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina will participate in Wednesday evening's panel and conduct a workshop on Wednesday or Thursday. Miki Jacevic is a senior policy officer of The Initiative for Inclusive Security, where he is responsible for overseeing policy efforts aimed at including women in formal and informal peace processes.

Anie Kalayjian, Ed.D.,RN - Trauma expert, educator, director and author, Kalayjian has been on her journey of healing through forgiveness and meaning. She has devoted her life to bringing healing to those who have survived the devastation of disaster, whether man-made or natural. Anie and Marian Weisberg will lead a Forgiveness workshop on Tuesday. Marian Weisberg, L.C.S.W., is a daughter of Jewish Holocaust survivors, and a One by One member. She has worked as an interviewer for the Shoah project and works in private practice as a psychotherpist in New York City. Together with Anie she has written an article on trauma transmitted to second and third generation Armenian survivors. -

Elisa Medina and Christina Braidotti, Ph.D. candidate - One by One Members will lead a workshop entitled “Latin American Perspectives.” Irene Jaievsky, former curator of the Museo del Holocausto in Buenos Aires, Argentina, will share her public speaking experiences there as well as the initial stages and future plans of Latin America's only Holocaust museum. Argentinian artist, Patricia Krasbuch, will explain how she links the two worlds, the one above and the one below,and the metaphorical qualities of her art works.

Robin Moulds, Ph.D - Psychologist, Professor of Psychosocial Peace building, UN sponsored Facilitator of ongoing Dialogue groups in Pakistan/India will participate in Monday evening's panel and offer a workshop on Tuesday.

Naava Piatka - Actor, playwright, artist, workshop leader, child of Survivors will lead an experiential workshop entitled “Moving On, Moving Up!” on Thursday in which she explores turning the burden of the past into a gift for the future. -

Suzanne Brita Schecker, Ed.D, Founding member of One by One, Inc., psychotherapist in private practice with a focus on mindfulness -based therapy, Integrative Breathwork, and EMDR. Suzanne was a professor of Child Development at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and has worked as a Guardian ad Litem for many years with children overcoming the traumatic affects of war, sexual, and physical abuse, and the loss of their community and biological families. Joyce Reilly, was trained as a Psychosynthesis therapist, and a Waldorf Curative teacher, and administrator. She has had a life long interest in trauma and the lives of children, and in community as a tool for healing. The founder of Gheel House, an alternative Therapeutic Community in PA, and of the Logos Foundation (with Georg Kuhlewind), dedicated to children affected by war, poverty, and modern life, Joyce is also committed to dialogue as a way of peace building. Together, Suzanne and Joyce completed a Certificate program in psychosocial peace building at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont will present a workshop that addresses the psychological affect of war on children. -

Joseph Sebarenzi, Ph.D. candidate - keynote speaker will also participate in Wednesday evening's panel.

Claudia von Alemann, German Filmmaker - von Alemann will show her film SHADOWS OF MEMORY on Thursday. In an effort to reconcile an unsettling past, the filmmaker, her 84-year-old mother, and her 17-year-old daughter reunite in the small East German village from which their family fled to the West. The film reveals the point of view of an average German citizen, a housewife and mother of six, who believed in Hitler, but later radically changed her views.

One by One Deutschland – Impressum